Can Hiking Help With Depression? Study Finds Hiking Impact On Mental Health


Research shows that hiking and being immersed in nature can effectively remedy depression. Aerobic activity releases feel-good endorphins and serotonin while lowering levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Hiking in peaceful green spaces also reduces rumination and negative thinking patterns. By providing mood-boosting benefits, brain modulation effects, and escape from daily stressors, committing to hiking 2-3 times per week has been proven to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression significantly.

The sun peeks over the mountains, casting a warm glow through the forest trees. A light breeze rustles the leaves as you take a deep breath of the fresh, earthy air. The steady rhythm of your boots hitting the dirt trail calms your mind as you focus on the path ahead. For a moment, the weight on your shoulders feels a little lighter. Can hiking help with depression? Could something as simple as a walk in the woods truly help ease depression? The answer is a resounding yes!

Science shows that hiking offers many mental health benefits, making it a potential secret weapon for battling the blues. Combining aerobic exercise, exposure to nature, mind-body connection, and the sense of accomplishment, you get from hiking can boost mood, relieve anxiety, improve self-esteem, and reduce rumination associated with depression. While hiking is no substitute for professional treatment, it is an accessible and enjoyable activity that can be a helpful supplement to managing depression.

So whether you’re hiking through a national park or just taking a stroll through a local nature trail, time spent trekking through the outdoors may be just what your mind needs.

Keep reading to discover how effectively hiking can lift your mental health!

Pale Blue Anxiety and Stress Infographic

Table of Contents


How does hiking help Alleviate Depression

Hiking is a form of exercise, and it’s well-known that physical activity positively impacts mental health. Engaging in regular exercise can lead to the release of endorphins, neurotransmitters responsible for the “feel-good” sensation. According to the American Psychological Association, exercises such as hiking can help alleviate symptoms of Depression, reduce anxiety, and improve overall mood.

Hiking provides a unique opportunity to combine the benefits of exercise with the advantages of being in nature, offering an even more powerful way to tackle Depression. Let’s explore how hitting the trails can boost your mood and help you with Depression.

Hiking Boosts Brain Health through Exercise

Engaging in hiking stimulates the development of fresh brain cells and connections, thereby enhancing the overall well-being of the brain. According to research from the University of British Columbia, aerobic exercise increases the production of BDNF, a protein that supports brain cell health and growth. Hiking also stimulates neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine to enhance mood and well-being. The mental focus required while navigating trails further engages the brain. As avid hiker Rebecca states, “I can feel my mind and body re-energize after a long hike.”

The Accessibility and Affordability of Hiking

You don’t need special skills or expensive gear to start hiking. Hiking is an easy activity that gets you outdoors, which is beneficial for anxiety and depression. It can be done alone or socially. The affordability makes hiking realistic for most people. Lauren, who battles anxiety, said, “Hiking is something I can do anytime to manage my anxiety without spending a lot of money.”

Hiking Allows Disconnecting from Stressors

Being surrounded by nature, away from the stressors of everyday life, has a calming effect. Research conducted at Stanford University revealed that engaging in nature walks reduces the activity of the subgenual prefrontal cortex, a region of the brain associated with processes of repetitive and intrusive thinking. Hiking allows you to live at the moment as you focus on the trail ahead of you instead of ruminating on problems. This mindful presence helps manage anxiety.

Gaining Perspective and Appreciation through Hiking

Being out in nature allows you to reflect and gain perspective on life’s challenges. Appreciating scenic views and your accomplishment after a hike fosters gratitude which benefits mental health. Starting the day with a hike can set a positive mindset. Mark, an avid hiker, said, “I get a sense of clarity and appreciation of life’s simple pleasures during a challenging hike.”

Building Resilience and Self-Efficacy through Hiking

Pushing yourself on long uphill hikes builds physical and mental stamina. Overcoming hiking challenges enables you to recognize your abilities to persevere, building self-confidence to handle life’s obstacles. It fosters resilience against anxiety and depression. Rebecca remarks, “Finishing a tough trail showed me I can conquer anything life throws at me.”

Hiking’s Lack of Pressure to Perform

Unlike competitive sports, hiking’s only goal is enjoying the natural surroundings. There is no pressure to compete against others. Hiking offers a judgment-free activity you can do at your own pace, reducing performance anxiety. Lauren says, “I love that hiking isn’t a competition. I can challenge myself without any pressure.”

Stress Relief through Rejuvenating Hikes

Being immersed in nature inherently reduces stress hormone levels. Hiking’s rhythmic nature has meditative qualities that clear mental clutter and provide tranquillity. Rejuvenating hikes alleviate anxiety while boosting mood. Mark finds that “being in nature just washes my stress away and re-energizes me.”

Hiking Boosts Serotonin to Improve Mood

Serotonin is an essential hormone that regulates mood, appetite, and sleep cycles and helps combat chronic depression. Research shows that regular exercise, like hiking, can increase serotonin production in the brain.

The boost in serotonin from hiking has positive effects, including:

  • Improved mood and feelings of happiness
  • More stable emotions and less moodiness
  • Healthier appetite and digestion
  • Enhanced sleep quality and duration
  • Reduced symptoms of anxiety and depression

By spurring an increase in serotonin through cardiovascular activity and being in nature, hiking provides a natural yet potent way to experience a more balanced mental state and uplifted spirit. Making hiking a regular habit enables you to reap the mood-regulating benefits of elevated serotonin levels.

how hiking helps with depression

Benefit Explanation
Releases endorphins The physical exertion of hiking causes the release of endorphins, the body’s natural “feel good” chemicals, which can boost mood.
Increases serotonin Exposure to sunlight while hiking increases serotonin levels, which helps regulate mood and happiness.
Reduces stress Being in nature and away from daily stressors while hiking lowers levels of the stress hormone cortisol.
Lessens rumination Hiking distracts from repetitive negative thoughts and clears the mind.
Enhances self-esteem Overcoming challenges during a hike can build confidence and self-esteem.
Provides perspective Appreciating scenic nature views while hiking helps gain a fresh outlook on life’s problems.
Promotes mindfulness The focus required while hiking keeps you present in the moment, similar to meditation.
Boosts creativity Being detached from technology in nature boosts creative thinking and problem-solving.
Improves focus The combination of aerobic activity and nature enhances concentration and mental acuity.
Elevates mood The feeling of accomplishment from completing a hike contributes to an uplifted mood.

The Science Behind Hiking And Mental Health

The Science Behind Hiking and Depression

The therapeutic effect of hiking can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, physical activity releases endorphins, the brain’s natural “feel-good” chemicals. These endorphins can help alleviate symptoms of Depression and promote a sense of well-being. In addition to endorphins, hiking in nature exposes individuals to sunlight, which is essential for producing vitamin D. Research has suggested that a lack of vitamin D is associated with Depression and other mood disorders. Hence, spending time outdoors can be beneficial in addressing this problem.

Numerous studies have indicated that spending time in nature can positively impact mental health. Here are some key findings that highlight the connection between hiking and improved mental well-being

Reduced rumination

Studies have demonstrated that spending time in natural surroundings can positively affect mental health. A 2015 study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that participants who went on a 90-minute walk in a natural environment reported lower levels of rumination (repetitive, negative thoughts) than those who walked in an urban setting.

Numerous studies have established a significant relationship between spending time in natural environments and experiencing better moods, reduced anxiety, and an overall improvement in well-being. One study conducted by Stanford University showed that individuals who spent 90 minutes walking in a natural environment experienced a decrease in rumination, a repetitive thought pattern often associated with Depression and anxiety.

Reduce Stress

Another aspect of nature’s healing power is its ability to reduce stress. Research conducted by Frontiers in Psychology found that exposure to natural environments lowers cortisol levels, a stress-related hormone. Lower cortisol levels can help improve mood and overall mental health.

Exercise and Mental Health

Physical activity, like hiking, is known to have significant mental health benefits. The Harvard Health Blog states that engaging in regular exercise can alleviate symptoms of Depression and anxiety by triggering endorphins release, which are chemicals that produce a feeling of well-being. Hiking combines the mood-boosting effects of both exercise and exposure to nature.

Increased creativity

Research from David Strayer suggests that spending time in nature can boost creative problem-solving abilities by as much as 50%. Spending time in nature can alleviate depression, as the serene and beautiful natural environment reduces stress and mental fatigue. Disconnecting from technology and digital distractions allows individuals to relax, reflect, and restore their emotional well-being. The calming atmosphere found in nature contributes to improved mental health and a reduction in depressive symptoms.

Enhanced mood and reduced stress

A 2010 Journal of Environmental Psychology study discovered that even short walks in green spaces could significantly improve mood and stress levels. These short strolls in natural surroundings allow individuals to escape from the chaos and demands of everyday life, providing an opportunity to unwind and recharge.

The calming effect of nature, coupled with the physical activity of walking, releases endorphins that contribute to an overall sense of well-being and happiness. As a result, time spent in green spaces not only promotes relaxation but also helps combat depression and improve emotional health.

How Hiking Helps Alleviate Depression

Research shows that staying physically active reduces the risk of depression by 30%. But hiking offers specific mental health benefits that make it especially powerful for combatting depressive symptoms:

  • Being immersed in nature while hiking helps quiet obsessive, negative thoughts. The scenic views provide perspective.
  • Hiking lowers levels of immune system chemicals linked to worsening depression.
  • The sense of accomplishment from hiking improves self-confidence and self-esteem.
  • Spending time outdoors provides a positive change of scenery from everyday life.
  • Completing challenging hikes can give you a renewed sense of purpose.

A 2019 article from NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) shared a story of someone whose therapist suggested hiking to help alleviate depression. The hiking was hugely beneficial, backing up the research on hiking’s mood-boosting effects.

whether urbanization is a major cause of depression

The latest research shows that urbanization can contribute to higher rates of depression, but is not the sole underlying cause. Studies have found that people living in urban areas are at higher risk and more likely to develop depression compared to rural populations.

One study’s researchers found that participants suffered from major depressive episodes following relocation to urban areas at twice the rate as those remaining in rural communities. The neural activity in the amygdala, the brain’s emotional processing center, was heightened among study participants after urbanization.

However, researchers say urbanization itself does not directly cause depression and anxiety. Rather, certain aspects of city living raise risk factors that can lead to mental disorders. Urban areas often have higher levels of stress, social isolation, pollution, and less access to nature. The combination of these environmental factors is thought to negatively impact mental health.

For example, a recent study of 96 active-duty military service members referred to the wounded Warrior Battalion at the Naval Medical Center San Diego found positive effects of surf or hike therapy programs. The study found that after just five surf therapy programs for the first time, participants showed significant reductions in depressive symptoms. Being active in nature provides mental health benefits.

So while urbanization can indirectly increase depression risk through related factors, it is not necessarily the root cause. Depression likely involves multiple genetic, biological, environmental and psychological factors. Though you’ll still be at higher risk in cities, prioritizing stress management, socializing, nature exposure, and physical activity can help prevent depressive episodes regardless of where you live.

Hiking a Prescription for Depression ─ expert opinions

Hiking a Prescription for Depression ─ expert opinions

Mental health professionals and researchers also recognize the potential benefits of hiking for individuals with Depression:

Dr. Aaron T. Beck, Cognitive Therapist and Founder of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

“Hiking can be an effective component of CBT for individuals dealing with Depression. Physical activity like hiking can help counter negative thoughts and behaviors by providing a sense of accomplishment and mastery, crucial elements in combating Depression.”

Dr. John J. Ratey, Psychiatrist and Author of "Spark"

“Hiking positively impacts brain chemistry, increasing the release of serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine – neurotransmitters that play a crucial role in regulating mood. This natural chemical boost can help alleviate symptoms of Depression and improve overall mental health.”

Dr. Qing Li, Forest Medicine Expert and Author of "Forest Bathing: How Trees Can Help You Find Health and Happiness"

“Hiking in nature, or ‘forest bathing,’ offers a unique combination of physical exercise and exposure to phytoncides, organic compounds released by trees, which have been shown to reduce stress hormone levels and enhance immune system function. It can create a calming effect on the mind and body, helping to alleviate symptoms of Depression.”

Dr. Madhukar H. Trivedi, Psychiatrist and Director of the Center for Depression Research and Clinical Care at UT Southwestern Medical Center

“Regular aerobic exercise, such as hiking, has been shown to have a similar effect on Depression as antidepressant medications in some cases. Combining physical activity and exposure to nature can provide a powerful, non-pharmacological approach to managing Depression and improving mental well-being.”

Dr. Elizabeth A. Hoge, Psychiatrist and Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Georgetown University Medical Center

“Hiking can be an effective mindfulness practice, as it encourages individuals to focus on the present moment and fully engage with their surroundings. Mindfulness has been shown to reduce rumination and negative thought patterns, common symptoms of Depression. Incorporating hiking into a mindfulness-based treatment plan can provide significant mental health benefits for those struggling with Depression.”

Dr. Jo Barton, Senior Lecturer in Sport and Exercise Science at the University of Essex

Dr. Barton co-authored a 2010 study published in Environmental Science & Technology that analyzed data from 1,252 participants across ten different studies. The results showed that outdoor activities, including hiking, significantly reduced symptoms of Depression. Dr. Barton emphasizes the importance of green exercise (physical activity in natural environments) for mental health.

Dr. Sara Warber, Associate Professor of Family Medicine at the University of Michigan

Dr. Warber and her colleagues published a 2013 study in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, which found that group nature walks were associated with reduced depressive symptoms, decreased stress, and improved well-being. This research highlights the importance of social interaction and the therapeutic effects of nature on mental health.

Celebrities Who Found Hiking Helpful for Depression

Demi Lovato, Singer and Actress ─ expert opinions

Demi Lovato, Singer and Actress

Demi Lovato has openly discussed their struggles with mental health, including Depression and addiction. They have found solace in hiking and often share their outdoor adventures on social media. Lovato credits hiking for helping them stay grounded and connected to nature, positively impacting their mental health.

Zac Efron, Actor

Zac Efron, Actor

Zac Efron, best known for his roles in "High School Musical" and "The Greatest Showman," has been open about his journey to maintain mental and emotional well-being. The actor often shares his love for hiking on social media. He has stated that being in nature and engaging in outdoor activities like hiking has played a significant role in maintaining a positive outlook on life.

Lady Gaga, Singer and Actress

Lady Gaga, Singer and Actress

Lady Gaga has been vocal about her struggles with Depression, anxiety, and PTSD. In her documentary, "Gaga: Five Foot Two," she revealed that spending time in nature, including hiking, helps her find peace and manage her mental health. Gaga often shares pictures of her hiking adventures on social media, emphasizing the benefits of connecting with nature.

Chris Evans, Actor

Chris Evans, Actor

Best known for his role as Captain America, Chris Evans has dealt with anxiety and Depression throughout his life. In interviews, Evans has expressed how hiking and other outdoor activities have become essential to his self-care routine. He believes being in nature helps him maintain a healthy mindset and cope with the pressures of the entertainment industry.

Miley Cyrus, Singer and Actress

Miley Cyrus, Singer and Actress

Miley Cyrus has experienced her share of ups and downs, including battles with Depression and anxiety. The singer often shares her love for nature and hiking on social media, explaining how these activities help her stay grounded and maintain a positive mental state. Miley's appreciation for the outdoors and its impact on her well-being highlights the benefits of incorporating hiking into one's self-care routine.

Real-Life Examples of Hiking as a depression reliever

James Forrest

Also known as the Mountain Man, he attributes his recovery from Depression to the time he spent hiking and connecting with nature. He completed all 446 mountains in England and Wales and 282 in Scotland, affirming the transformative power of hiking in his life.

Zach Davis

In his book Appalachian Trials, Zach Davis shares his experience hiking the Appalachian Trail after a severe bout of Depression. The long-distance hike allowed him to reconnect with himself and find meaning in life again.

Amy Oestreicher

After a life-threatening illness and multiple surgeries left her unable to walk, artist and writer Amy Oestreicher used hiking as a form of physical and emotional therapy. She credits her time on the trail with helping her overcome trauma and regain her sense of self.

Cheryl Strayed

In her bestselling memoir Wild, Cheryl Strayed recounts her journey hiking the Pacific Crest Trail after experiencing a series of personal tragedies. She embarked on a solo 1,100-mile hike along the Pacific Crest Trail to overcome personal turmoil and grief. Strayed’s story has since inspired countless others to seek healing through hiking.

The Japanese Practice of Shinrin-Yoku: Forest Bathing for the Soul

The Japanese Practice of

One unique approach to hiking for Depression comes from Japan, where the practice of shinrin-yoku, or “forest bathing,” has been gaining global attention. This ecotherapy encourages individuals to immerse themselves in the sensory experience of the forest, such as listening to birdsong or inhaling the scent of pine. A study published in Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine found that shinrin-yoku significantly reduced stress and negative emotions and improved mood and overall well-being.

Shinrin-yoku is the therapeutic practice of immersing yourself in nature by mindfully walking through a forest. This cornerstone of Japanese medicine originated in the 1980s and has become an important preventive health method in Japanese culture.

The premise of shinrin-yoku is that spending mindful, intentional time under the canopy of an old-growth forest has immense healing benefits for both body and spirit. Spending even 20 minutes surrounded by trees has been shown to reduce stress hormone levels like cortisol, lower blood pressure, and heart rate, boost immunity, and improve mood.

Rather than a vigorous hike or strenuous walk, shinrin-yoku is meant to be a slow, relaxed stroll that engages all five senses. You take in the scent of damp mosses and trees, listen to birdsong and flowing water, feel the terrain under your feet, and mindfully observe your natural surroundings. The goal is total immersion in nature to gain its rejuvenating effects.

Researchers believe a forest’s mix of phytoncides – antimicrobial oils released from trees – may underlie its relaxing properties. Breathing in phytoncides seems to trigger the production of cancer-fighting proteins and white blood cells while lowering stress-related enzymes. Essential wood oils may also relax the nervous system.

To practice shinrin-yoku, leave cell phones and cameras behind to avoid distractions. Let your forest walk be guided by curiosity, not destination. Breathe deeply and take in the unique details of your surroundings as you wander peacefully. Pause to appreciate scenic vistas. Shinrin-yoku allows you to relish the joy and beauty of nature for an inner reset.

How Hiking Helps Anxiety And Depression : 6 Science-Backed Benefits of Hiking

10 Amazing Facts About Hiking

1. Hiking Reduces Anxiety and Stress

Being out in nature has been scientifically shown to lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol and reduce anxiety. One study found that people who went on a 90-minute nature walk experienced decreased activity in the brooding, anxiety-associated region of the brain compared to city walkers. The mindfulness of being present out in nature may be key to hiking’s stress-reducing effects.

2. Hiking Lessens Rumination

Rumination, or constantly dwelling on negative thoughts, is a symptom of depression. Research shows that being outdoors and away from everyday worries can reduce rumination. A study had one group of participants go on a nature hike while the other walked through an urban area. The nature hike group reported less rumination and negative self-referential thoughts after their walk.

3. Hiking Boosts Creative Problem Solving

Multiple studies have proved that spending time outdoors promotes cognitive benefits such as increased memory, attention span, and creative problem-solving. Being immersed in nature allows the prefrontal cortex, the brain region linked to higher cognitive function, to reset. Hiking may inspire those “Eureka!” moments of creativity.

4. Hiking Can Reduce ADHD Symptoms in Children

Research indicates that exposing children with ADHD to green outdoor settings can reduce their ADHD symptoms. One study found that kids concentrated better after a 20-minute walk in a park versus a downtown area or neighborhood. Bringing ADHD children out on scenic hikes may boost their attention span and impulse control.

5. Hiking May Prevent Dementia and Cognitive Decline

Studies revealed that spending time outdoors is associated with a reduced risk of cognitive impairments like dementia later in life. One 25-year study found that elderly people who walked in nature frequently scored higher on cognitive assessments than those less active outdoors. Hiking is an enjoyable form of preventive medicine for the brain.

6. Hiking Slows the Loss of Gray Matter in the Brain

 Research suggests that the gray matter volume loss associated with aging can be tempered by regular hiking and walking in nature. Gray matter in the brain is linked to memory, emotions, speech, decision-making, and self-control. Hiking may actually help preserve gray matter and cognitive functioning.

So lace up those boots, grab your trekking poles, and reap the mental health benefits of hitting the trail! Hiking does a body and minds good.

Must Read:


Is hiking good for mental health?

Yes, hiking can provide major mental health benefits. Being in nature while hiking can help reduce symptoms of major depressive disorder, anxiety, and other mental health issues. A study by researchers at the Naval Medical Center San Diego Wellness Program at the Naval Medical found that people who walked for 90 minutes in a natural area experienced decreased depression or anxiety compared to those who walked in an urban environment. Hiking allows you to unplug and get away from stress and anxiety.

Does hiking make you happier?

Hiking can definitely help boost your mood and make you feel happier. Being out in nature and away from urbanization exposes you to fresh air and sunshine, which can increase serotonin levels. Psychology research shows that time in a natural setting like hiking has mental benefits and can help treat depression. Even a short hike can help you de-stress and feel happier.

Why do I feel so good after hiking?

There are several reasons why hiking makes you feel so good. The physical exertion involved in hiking causes your body to release endorphins, which are “feel-good” chemicals that boost your mood. Hiking in nature also helps reduce stress hormone levels. Additionally, being in natural sunlight while hiking increases vitamin D levels, which is linked to improving depression. Getting away from the urban environment into greenery and fresh air also provides mental benefits that make you feel rejuvenated after hiking.

Is hiking a form of therapy?

Yes, hiking can definitely be an effective form of therapy, especially for mental health issues like depression or anxiety. Studies show that being active outdoors has therapeutic effects and can help treat depression. The combination of physical exertion, being surrounded by nature, and taking a break from daily stressors makes hiking very therapeutic. In essence, hiking allows you to clear your head, gain perspective, reduce anxiety, and boost your mood.

Does hiking increase serotonin?

Hiking is known to increase serotonin levels in the brain. Serotonin is a chemical messenger that helps regulate mood. Exposure to sunlight while hiking causes your brain to produce more serotonin, which can help if you are depressed or anxious. In addition, the physical activity involved in hiking releases endorphins that make you feel happier and relaxed. Hiking is a great way to give your serotonin levels a natural boost.

What hiking does do to your brain?

Hiking provides several mental benefits to your brain. The combination of being surrounded by nature, away from urban environments, along with aerobic activity improves your ability to focus and concentrate. Hiking decreases negative thoughts and ruminating by acting as a form of “moving meditation.” Blood flow increases to the brain during hiking, bringing more oxygen and nutrients that stimulate new cell growth in the hippocampus, the area responsible for memory and learning. Hiking can even help counteract the decrease in brain volume that occurs with aging.

Can hiking transform your body?

Absolutely! Hiking is an amazing exercise that can truly transform your body if done regularly. Hiking’s aerobic intensity works your cardiovascular system, helping to increase lung capacity and endurance. It also builds strength in your legs, glutes, core, and back from going up and down trails. Depending on the terrain, a hiking session can burn 300-600 calories to help you lose weight. Climbing hills and uneven surfaces engage different muscles to give you a full-body workout. Just be sure to start easy and gradually increase hike difficulty and distance to allow your body to transform.

How hiking change you?

Hiking can change you in several positive ways, both mentally and physically. Mentally, hiking reduces stress, anxiety, and negative thoughts, leaving you feeling more positive, calm, and grounded. Physically, hiking improves cardiovascular health, tones muscles, and boosts energy levels. As you progress, hiking increases your strength, endurance, and lung capacity. Hiking also enhances your mood and self-esteem by accomplishing challenging treks. Getting outside and active in nature makes you appreciate and respect the environment more. Overall, hiking promotes inner peace, appreciation, health, and vitality.

How does hiking change your body?

Hiking delivers an amazing full-body workout that leads to noticeable physical changes. Regular hiking leads to increased muscular strength and definition in your legs, back, arms and core. The aerobic intensity improves cardiovascular conditioning, boosting lung capacity and endurance. Hiking up hills and mountains burns major calories, helping to reduce body fat for weight loss. The variation in trails also improves balance, coordination, and agility. With hiking, you’ll notice increased metabolism, energy levels, bone density, and flexibility. Just be sure to start slow and hike progressively longer distances to allow your body to transform.

Is hiking good for anxiety?

Yes, research strongly supports hiking as an effective way to reduce anxiety. Being out in nature, away from daily stressors provides a mental reset. The rhythmic nature of hiking acts as a form of meditation, calming nerves and clearing the mind. Aerobic exercise releases endorphins which counteract anxiety. Getting a change of scenery from your regular walking route decreases repetitive thoughts. Taking moments to appreciate beautiful views can help gain perspective. Start with easy trails and build up distance over time for anxiety relief.

Does hiking reduce anxiety?

Absolutely! Multiple studies have shown hiking to significantly reduce symptoms of anxiety. One study found being active in nature decreases anxiety more than being active in an urban setting. Hiking combines aerobic exercise, immersion in nature, and taking a break from stressful situations – all of which are proven to reduce anxiety. The mental clarity from hiking can provide lasting anti-anxiety effects. Just be sure to start with shorter, less strenuous hikes and slowly work your way up at a comfortable pace.


In conclusion, hiking has been shown to be a highly effective means of helping to alleviate symptoms of depression for many individuals. By providing an opportunity to connect with nature, engage in physical activity, and develop a sense of accomplishment, hiking can contribute to an overall improvement in mental health.

The combination of exercise, exposure to natural environments, and the potential for social interaction all work together to help regulate mood and increase feelings of well-being. Hiking not only offers an escape from daily stressors but also encourages mindfulness and self-reflection, which can help people develop resilience and coping strategies to better manage their depression.

It is important to note, however, that hiking may not be the sole solution for everyone struggling with depression. While it can be a valuable addition to a comprehensive treatment plan, it should not replace professional guidance and support from mental health professionals. 

John Smith

John Smith

John has been an avid hiker for over ten years and has explored some of the most challenging trails across the USA. He has completed multiple long-distance hikes, including the Appalachian and Pacific Crest Trails. John is also a certified hiking guide, leading several hiking trips for groups of all ages and skill levels.

John Smith

John Smith

John has been an avid hiker for over ten years and has explored some of the most challenging trails across the USA. He has completed multiple long-distance hikes, including the Appalachian and Pacific Crest Trails. John is also a certified hiking guide, leading several hiking trips for groups of all ages and skill levels.

3 thoughts on “Can Hiking Help With Depression? Study Finds Hiking Impact On Mental Health”

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